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Talking tifo, Portland, and the matches beyond: Emergency Podcast, Episode 36
By Phil West profile image Phil West
1 min read

Talking tifo, Portland, and the matches beyond: Emergency Podcast, Episode 36

We were so impressed with the opening match tifo (and the players' reaction to it) that we spent a bit of time on it in the latest Emergency Podcast.

We also talked about some post-SKC match concerns we covered earlier in the week on Verde All Day, talked a bit about tonight's matchup against the Timbers, and projected how Verde might be after their first seven games – with a schedule that all of a sudden appears friendlier than what other teams might experience.

(Also, a programming note: Tonight's At the Whistle match report may or may not be delayed a bit ... this is a night of moving parts and unusual match night circumstances for both of us.)

Check out the latest Emergency Podcast on Apple, Spotify, and in the embedded audio below.

By Phil West profile image Phil West
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