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By Phil West profile image Phil West
5 min read

Getting back on the bike: Austin FC welcomes rivalry match after loss to St. Louis

Josh Wolff and Sebastian Driussi kept it short and sweet on Thursday. I also talked to Matt Hedges, familiar with Copa Tejas from his time in Dallas.

Thursday’s media availability with Josh Wolff went less than nine minutes. Sebastian Driussi fit everything he had to say inside of five minutes before bolting. And that seemed to work for the media representatives who attended.

It’s almost as if the club reps and reporters had a mutual understanding about wanting to see a better Austin on the field on Saturday — doing rather than saying.

And that’s obviously to move closer to securing a playoff birth, but it’s also to scrub Sunday night’s 6-3 loss to St. Louis City SC from our collective memories.

Wolff — who has come around to embracing the evolving rivalry with FC Dallas in his time with Verde — said he’s glad the Toros are next on the schedule.

“I think it's a great time for Dallas again,” he said. “Last time we lost to Kansas City 4-1, the next games were against Houston and Dallas so it was quick to get right back on the bike.” Indeed, after that low point in the season on June 10, Verde used Copa Tejas match motivation to go on a 4-1-1 run before the Leagues Cup break.

Now, they could use a boost again to pivot from their latest three-game losing streak — which includes the Leagues Cup two-and-out.

By Phil West profile image Phil West
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