I’m just going to get this out of the way: The Coachella Valley Invitational is a great event, especially if you want to get a handle on the upcoming MLS season.
That’s my overarching feeling after getting to see eight teams play on two adjacent fields today, writing this up in a hotel that’s close to the hosting Empire Polo Grounds but that I’m reasonably sure I’ll never stay at again. (I’m also reevaluating my relationship with Priceline.)
On one field — the one where Austin FC will play Sunday at noon CT — matches kicked off at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. local time, and on the other, matches were at noon and 2 p.m.
Aside from the weird microclimates happening thanks to the sun and the wind, where one set of bleachers seemed 20 degrees warmer than the other side — I put Pacific Northwest-practiced layering to the test throughout the day — it was pleasant in all ways. It was well-organized, there was good food and drink on site, the portable bathrooms were not a hellscape at all. I got to interview Joao Klauss and Emil Forsberg and I’m definitely going to use quotes from those in forthcoming stories.
Oh, and you’re really close to the action. Close enough to hear St. Louis City SC’s Chris Durkin call the ref “bro” after a bad call, for instance.
That’s really the first thing that was best about the day. Spring training for MLS is a great idea.
Here are some other things that I am richer for experiencing today.